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2.3. The zeppelin  bunker

The German Reichspost had been housed on five floors in the completely underground Zeppelin bunker since May 1939. Until 25.8. all telecommunication connections prepared for the Polish campaign had been switched to the control center. During the war, the facility remained the most important, largest and, at that time, most modern telecommunications hub for the Wehrmacht. In contrast to Maybach, the Red Army did not destroy the facility. The systems were only dismantled. As the Cold War loomed, the entrances were only slightly damaged so that the Americans could be shown that the Allied agreements were being kept. In 1946 the high command of the Soviet occupation troops was transferred from Potsdam to Wünsdorf. At the end of the 1950s - after the flooded structure had dried out - extensive renovation work began to create a protected command post for the GSSD High Command, which continued until the mid-1960s. Originally only built to be gas-safe, the bunker should now be able to withstand the effects of nuclear weapons. According to our guide, the bunker was not safe from nuclear bombs. While maintaining the overall floor plan, for example, several locks were installed and numerous smaller workrooms were created for the staff departments of the high command from the large halls of the telecommunications systems that were once installed there. With the withdrawal of the last troops from the territory of the GDR, the facility, now known as Ranet , also ceased operations. Beginning in October 1992, the headquarters were dismantled and the technology was relocated to the Soviet Union.

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