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  • verlassene Kasernen | Lost Place Altes Lager |

    Jüterbog military training area The first area of the military training area, known as the “old camp”, was built in 1870. Here there was also an ammunition depot, a witness office and the military training area headquarters. At the main guard, fireworkers put up a plaque with a corruption of the saying that has been at the Jüterbog city gates since Luther's time: "Anyone who gives their children the bread and then suffers need themselves, you beat them to death with the club." Old camp from it: “Anyone who lives fast in the garrison and suffers hardship at the firing range, kills them with this club Officers as well as a huge cinema. Many buildings were nicely renovated in the 1990s. Some are still empty and dilapidated. During the First World War, there was an airship port near Altes Lager with two correspondingly large zeppelin hangars. A large air force base was established there in the early 1930s. Das ist das Kino und Theater mit Oberrang (!) aus den 30iger Jahren. Kasernen aus der Kaiserzeit und ein zurückgelassenes sowjetisches "Denkmal": Zum Schluß ein paar Bilder aus der Soldatenkantine:

  • Lost Places | Poland | Reise-Rainer

    Inhalt: Klavierschloss Hitlers Stonehedge Schloss Florsdorf Kurhaus Heim Lebensborn Schlesier-Ehrenmal Arado Flugzeugwerk Schloss Fürstenstein Schloss der Glashütte Kartonfabrik Schlossruine P. Stalag Luft III Kraftwerk Ordensschoss Forts Küstrin Hydrierwerk Projekt Riese Sprengstoffchemie Festung Silberberg Ostwall Bahnhofsbunker Stettin Lost Places in Poland ​On this page I present abandoned factories, military facilities, bunkers and forts in our neighboring country Poland. Das Schloss mit dem Klavier Hinter meterhohen Gestrüpp versteckt sich das 1785 erbaute Schloss des ehemalige Jagdguts der Familie von Hochberg aus ... Mehr erfahren Kurhaus Bad Centnerbrunn Am Rande des Eulengebirges steht dieses ehemalige Kurhaus, das noch durch seinen halbwegs erhaltenen Kursaal sehenswert ist... Mehr erfahren Arado Flugzeugwerk in Landeshut Landeshut in Niederschlesien war Anfang der 40iger Jahre eines der Technologie-zentren der deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie ... Mehr erfahren Kartonfabrik Die Kartonfabrik wurde ab 1895 errichtet und entwickelte sich zu einem der größten Holzfaserplattenproduzenten Deutschlands.. Mehr erfahren Mysteriöse Ruinen eines Kraftwerkes Mysteriösen Ruinen aus Beton im Wald zeugen heute noch von dem einstigen Braunkohlekraftwerk. Imposant sind die ... Mehr erfahren Hydrogenation plant Politz ​ In the hydrogenation plant built by IG Farben in Pölitz from 1937 on an area of 200 hectares ... Learn more fortress Silberberg in the Owl Mountains / Lower Silesia Our guide Katrin promised to lead us in a secret passage into the non-public casemates ……. Learn more Hitlers Stonehedge Im kleinen Ort Mölke in Niederschlesien befindet sich eines der geheimnisvollsten Objekte aus der Nazizeit ... Mehr erfahren Heim des SS-Lebensborn Das ehemalige Hospital ist ein eindrucksvoller neogotischer Klinkerbau, der ab 1883 als Malteser-Krankenhaus errichtet ... Mehr erfahren Schloss Fürstenstein Bis 1943 war die reichste schlesische Familie, von Hochberg, Eigentümer des Schlosses. 1944 wurde es der Organisation Todt .... Mehr erfahren Schlossruine Promnitz Das Schloss wurde 1601 von Graf Heinrich Anselm von Promnitz an erbaut. Er er-richtete einen Verteidigungskomplex nach ... Mehr erfahren Ordensschloss Sonnenburg Das Ordensschloss Sonnenburg ist ein als Ruine erhaltenes Schloss in der Neumark im heutigen Polen. Es überstand den Zweiten ... Mehr erfahren Project Riese - Führerhaupquartier in the Owl Mountains From 1943 the National Socialists built extensive tunnel systems in the Owl Mountains near Waldenburg (Wałbrzych)…. Learn more Ostwall - fortress front Oder-Warthe-Bogen The fortress front Oder-Warthe-Bogen, popularly known as the Ostwall, was a line of defense that had been heavily fortified since mid-1934 ... Learn more Schloss Florsdorf Schloss Florsdorf ist eine dreiflügelige Anlage mit einem imposanten Turm. Im gewölbten Erdgeschoss waren die Stallungen ... Mehr erfahren Schlesier-Ehrenmal - Totenburg Das Schlesier-Ehrenmal wurde 1936 - 1938 zum Gedenken an die 177.000 gefallenen Schlesier im 1. Weltkrieg erbaut ... Mehr erfahren Schloss der Glashütte Das Schloss wurde 1899 von den Besitzern der örtlichen Glashütte erbaut. Wunder-schön ist noch heute die von neugotischen... Mehr erfahren Stalag Luft III Das 1942 eingerichtete Stalag III war eines von sechs deutschen Kriegsgefangenen-lagern, die speziell für die steigende Anzahl .. Mehr erfahren Station bunker and city tour in Szczecin We met our guide Magda at 10:30 a.m. at the entrance of the largest non-military bunker in Poland ... Learn more Explosives chemistry in Scheuno The explosive chemical Scheuno was a from 1938 southeast of the city of Forst (Lausitz ) ... .. Learn more Bahnhofsbunker und Stadtrundgang in Stettin Wir trafen uns um 10.30 Uhr mit unserer Führerin Magda am Eingang des größten nicht militärischen Bunkers in Polen ... Mehr erfahren Forts Küstrin Bahnhofsbunker Stettin Hydrierwerk Projekt Riese Sprengstoffchemie Festung Silberberg Ordensschoss Ostwall Kraftwerk Stalag Luft III Schlossruine P. Kartonfabrik Schloss der Glashütte Schloss Fürstenstein Arado Flugzeugwerk Schlesier-Ehrenmal Heim Lebensborn Kurhaus Schloss Florsdorf Hitlers Stonehedge Klavierschloss

  • Verlassene Textilfabriken | Lost Places Lausitz

    Textilfabriken Tuchfabrik Noack Bergami Wäscherei Erich Schmidt Forster Stadteisenbahn Tuchfabrik Cattien Tuchfbrik F. Schmidt Tuchfabrik Pürschel Tuchfabrik C. Ungers Tuchfabrik Hugo Trübel Tuchfabrik Max Danneberger Wollweberei in Zagan Textilfabriken in der Niederlausitz Remote radio transmitter of the NVA At the time of the GDR there were the wildest rumors in Treuenbrietzen about an NVA property in the forest near Niebel. A top secret FLA missile unit was supposed to be stationed here to protect Berlin. But it was only a remote radio transmitter for the object 16/017 Hennickendorf near Luckenwalde. There was the command bunker of the Minister for National Defense of the GDR. The task of the "remote broadcasting station" was to prevent the location of the bunker in Hennickendorf from being discovered, for example by targeting the enemy if broadcasts were to take place from there. The structure of the property is similar to that of other broadcasting stations, a concrete slab road with FB-1 type garage bunkers lined up to the left and right. In between small bunker type FB-3 for the crews and an FB-2, which accommodated 2 diesel units. An electric fence, a so-called high-voltage safety system (HSA), was part of the external security of the property. The property has not been dismantled. The entrances to the bunkers were partially closed and are now used as bat quarters. The area is pretty neglected. The inventory has been stolen by Schrottis over the years. Tuchfabrik Max Danneberger: Tuchfabrik Max Danneberger Die Forster Stadteisenbahn war eine meterspurige Kleinbahn die als Industrieanschlussbahn zur Bedienung der vielen Tuchfabriken diente. Grund der Installation war das Enden des 19. Jahrhunderts die Versorgung der Fabriken mit Rohstoffen, vor allem von Kohle, immer mehr zum Problem wurde. Der Transport mit Pferdefuhrwerken war umständlich und teuer. So gab es seit 1890 Pläne, eine innerstädtische Anschlussbahn zu errichten. Sie war von 1893 bis 1965 in Betrieb. Im Volksmund wurde sie auch Schwarze Jule genannt. Erhalten ist heute noch der denkmalgeschützte Bahnhof. Forster Stadteisenbahn Tuchfabrik C. Ungers: Tuchfabrik C. Ungers Tuchfabrik F. Schmidt: Tuchfbrik F. Schmidt Tuchfabrik Noack Bergami: Tuchfabrik Noack Bergami Die riesige Fabrik ist verkauft. Sie wird von einem einheimische Investor nach und nach saniert und einer Nutzung zugführt. Wäscherei und Maschinenfabrik Erich Schmidt: Wäscherei Erich Schmidt Tuchfabrik Pürschel Tuchfabrik Pürschel Tuchfabrik Cattien Tuchfabrik Cattien Tuchfabrik Hugo Trübel Tuchfabrik Hugo Trübel Wollweberei in Zagan (Polen) Wollweberei in Zagan

  • Lost Place Gießerei | Sachsen-Anhalt | Reise-Rainer

    VEB Schwermaschinenbau Georgi Dimitroff ​ We were able to visit the last historical buildings of the former Otto Gruson machine factory at the beginning of 2021. The site has already been dismantled and apartments will soon be built. What is still there has partly collapsed due to natural decay, despite the monument protection. The history of the plant: The machine works, founded by Otto Gruson in 1871 and taken over by the Buckau R. Wolf AG machine works in 1930, became part of the Soviet stock corporation (SAG) AMO after the expropriation in 1945. Before the war, lignite excavators and briquette plants were produced. Armaments were added at the end of the 1930s. 70% of the factories were destroyed by fighting. On January 1, 1954, the company was transferred from the legal form of the Soviet stock corporation to a state-owned company of the GDR. The company name was now VEB Schwermaschinenbau "Georgi Dimitroff". The production program included equipment for the lignite and chemical industries as well as large gears and cast products. Excavators, briquette factories, large gears, conveyor systems and equipment for cement factories were built. After the fall of the Wall, the factory operated under the old traditional name of Maschinenfabrik Buckau (MFB). The company was most recently a subsidiary of 3B TEC Aufbereitungssysteme GmbH and was liquidated on 1.1.1995. ​

  • VEB Kontaktbauelemente | Lost Place |

    ​ This company was founded on July 1st, 1948 as a merger of several expropriated companies to form VEB agricultural machinery and equipment construction founded. In 1951 the company was renamed VEB Metallwarenfabrik (LUMET). From 1968 electronics were also included in the production program, otherwise the company was a supplier of assemblies. In 1970 LUMET was renamed "VEB Kontaktbauelemente". Buttons, switches, connectors and radio remote controls were produced. From 1987 the production of pocket radios (LTR10) began as "consumer goods production". Parts of the company were on the market until 1995. The KBL had three operating parts, Plant 1 in Schützenstraße, Plant 2 in Mauerstraße and Plant 3 in Poststraße 25. Apartments are to be built in the old factory in Poststraße from 2019. VEB contact components L.

  • Pulverfabrik Kirchmöser | Feuerwerkslaboratorium |

    Inhalt: Offizierscasino Kaftwerk Produktionshallen Geschichte Feuerwerkslaboratorium Verwaltungsgebäude Kirchmöser powder factory ​ From 1914 the royal Prussian powder factory was built in Kirchmöser near Brandenburg / Havel with 400 factory buildings and an additional 172 apartments. As early as 1915, 6,000 people were working here. Villas for officers and civil servants were built in the area. In 1916 the 65 m high water tower and the Kirchmöser train station were put into operation. In 1919 it was all over again. As stipulated in the Versailles Treaty, the powder factory and the fireworks laboratory had to be liquidated immediately. From 1919 the Deutsche Reichsbahn took over the plant and created the Brandenburg / West railway plant. The main task was the maintenance and servicing of locomotives, as well as the production of tracks. The Reichsbahnzentralschule moved into the separately located fireworks laboratory. On the orders of the Wehrmacht, the entire locomotive plant was dismantled in 1942 and transported to the Ukraine, but was never installed there. By 1945, the factory was converted into the production of tanks and tank parts. After the war, the area was taken over by the Red Army. All production facilities were dismantled and brought to the Soviet Union by September 1945. From 1946 the Red Army used half of the plant as a tank repair plant and as barracks. In the other half the "Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Brandenburg / West" resumes its service. In the years that followed, the buildings housed a number of other companies, including a switch factory, part of the Brandenburg rolling mill, a foundry, a branch of the Rathenow furniture factory and a gardening shop. The Soviet army remained in the buildings of the former fireworks laboratory and locomotive factory and operated an armored factory here until 1992. The buildings are currently used by 27 different authorities and companies, around 15% of the factory buildings are empty. The characteristics of the entire factory site - including numerous original building details - have been handed down in full, hardly any new buildings have been added, and only a few buildings have been demolished or disfigured by renovations. Overall, one of the main examples of industrial construction in the late imperial era in the state of Brandenburg. The predominantly accessible area should be explored by car or bicycle. It is best to start at the north gate, which is the entrance to the site when coming from Brandenburg. An industrial educational trail is laid out. Many distinctive buildings are signposted and explained. It is also worth visiting the beautifully renovated, listed forest settlement of Kirchmöser-Ost from the 1920s. Verwaltungsgebäude Geschichte Das Offizierscasino entstand 1915/16 am Vorplatz des Eingangs zur Pulverfabrik. Der eingeschossige Bau hat einen großen Saal, Terrasse, und Biergarten. 1925 wurde das Offizierscasino zum Ausflugslokal und Hotel "Seegarten" umgebaut. Von 1945 bis 1990 nuzten sämtliche hier ansässigen Firmen das Gebäude als "Klubhaus der Eisenbahner". Offizierscasino Ein paar Bilder vom recht bekannten Feuerwerkslaboratorium in dem Zünder und Granaten produziert wurden. Nach dem 1. WK war hier eine Reichsbahnerschule: ​ Kaftwerk Auf dem Gelände befinden sich die beiden imposanten Gebäude des Kraftwerkes und des Heizwerkes : Feuerwerkslaboratorium Auch ein paar leere Produktionshallen gibt es noch zu sehen: Produktionshallen

  • Schloss mit dem Klavier | Lost Place Polen

    Stasi bunker makers The former alternative control point of the head of the district administration for state security in Leipzig is well camouflaged in the local recreation area Lübschützer Teiche with Machern. The property was disguised as a vacation facility of VEB Wasserversorgung Leipzig. In the middle of the complex, which consists of several buildings, is the bunker, which was built from 1968 to 1971 and whose entrance was camouflaged with a barrack. In the event of tension and mobilization, the Leipzig Stasi chief and his staff, a total of around 100 full-time employees, would have relocated their office from headquarters to Machern. The bunker is open to visitors every last weekend of the month from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and is part of the museum memorial in the “Runden Ecke” in Leipzig. The entire 5.2 hectare, listed site with all preserved buildings and systems as well as the 1,435 square meter bunker interior can be visited. The interior of the bunker was particularly interesting for me, because a few months ago I used a flashlight to explore the structurally identical but looted bunker of the Stasi district administration in Berlin, east of Berlin. In Machern, however, I was only able to get an idea of how such a bunker should work.

  • Verlassene Bahnhöfe und Verkehrsinfrastruktur | Lost Places Verkehr |

    Kategorien: 1. Schlösser 2. Herrenhäuser Schlösser und Herrenhäuser 1. Schlösser 2. Herrenhäuser/Gutshöfe/Villen 1. Schlösser Das Schloss mit dem Klavier in Polen Schloss Crossen Schloss Florsdorf Polen Schloss Fürstenstein in Polen - Geheime Stollen Schloss der Glashütte in Polen Das halbe Schloss Schlossruine Promnitz in Polen Das große Schloss Schlossruine des Ritterguts Das Gutsschloss Ordensschloss Sonnenburg in Polen Folterkeller im Schloss Dubno in der Ukraine 1. Schlösser 2. Herrenhäuser/Gutshöfe/Villen 2. Herrenhäuser Fabrikantenvilla Herrenhaus des Rittterguts Gutshof Rittergut Gutshaus Die Wasserburg auf dem Rittergut Villa Kampf

  • 350 Lost Places | Abandoned Places | Urbexexploring

    Lost Places - Auf den Spuren verlassener Orte Current articles from the Lost Places area: Das Schloss mit dem Klavier Ansehen Ice Field Station - radio station Italy Watch Reserve bunker of the OK in Wünsdorf Watch Cable factory Oberspree Watch House of Refrigerators Watch Stasi-Ferienlager Ansehen Nice that you are on my homepage. At "Reise-Rainer" I inform you about more than 150 lost places I have visited, adventure trips, road trips, city tours and beautiful hotels. I am not subscribed to one type of vacation and I always have to discover something new.

  • Verlassenes am Wegesrand in Sachsen

    Inhalt: Rackotzer Brücke Schloss Schwepnitz Bahnbetriebswerk E. Schaufelrad bei Gerbisdorf Lokschuppen Weberei Papierfabrik Bahnbetriebswerk L. Hafen Lindenau Verlassenes am Wegesrand in Sachsen Die weltberühmte Rackotzer Brücke lotste uns in den Kromlauer Park . Sehenswert ist nicht nur, die wie ein Lost Place aussehende, bekannte Brücke, sondern auch den mit 200 ha größten Rhododendronpark Deutschlands. Daher empfehle ich einen Besuch im Mai oder Juni. ​ Die Rackotzer Brücke Rackotzer Brücke Schloss Schwepnitz Schloss Schwepnitz Bahnbetriebswerk E. Bahnbetriebswerk E. Das Bahnbetriebswerk in Nordsachsen wurde 1926 eingerichtet. Für den Betrieb kamen 16 bis 18 Lokomotiven der Baureihen 38, 5280, 5572 und 94 zum Einsatz. Der zum Betriebswerk gehörende Ringlokschuppen hatte 12 Gleise, davon gehörten vier der Werkstatt. 1995 wurden die Drehscheibe und der Schlackenelevator ausgebaut und die beiden Wassertürme stillgelegt. Schaufelrad bei Gerbisorf Bucket wheel near Gerbisorf On a bike tour around the Werbelliner See near Delitzsch, we passed this huge witness from another time. It is the paddle wheel of what was once the largest lignite excavator in the GDR, the 6,500 t heavy SRs 6300. It is a 17 meter high technical monument. Former miners from the Delitzsch-Südwest opencast mine there did not want to have this part of an excavator, which had only been in operation for a short time, completely scrapped. It was assembled there in 1989 and its career ended in 1991 because lignite mining was stopped during this time. At least the bucket wheel, now visible from afar, and part of the crawler track were preserved for posterity after the bucket wheel excavator was blown up in 1996. The deformation caused by the blast can still be seen on the wheel. Schaufelrad bei Gerbisdorf Engine shed In the middle of the big city there is still an old engine shed with 20 gates and a bogie. Located right next to a S-Bahn station, this property is accessible. Children have even set up a makeshift skate park here. It is the last testimony to the industrial history around 1900 in the area, which will be built with apartments over the next few years. The engine shed is to be used for cultural purposes. But that should be done quickly, because the decay is quite advanced. Lokschuppen Weberei Weberei Papierfabrik The old paper mill The clinker building ensemble stands at a centuries-old mill location on Elster. The FM Weber paper and cardboard factory has been located there since 1882. From 1910 the paper mill also used water power and installed two Francis turbines Voith from Heidenheim. At the end of the 1930s, the company was one of the National Socialist model companies. After the expropriation in 1945, the factory was a SAG company, i.e. under the direction of the Soviet Union. In 1975 the plant was active as VEB United Paper and Corrugated Cardboard Factory, part of the VEB Kombinat Zellstoff, Papier und Pappe Heidenau. The area is not accessible. The former depot Old locomotives are parked on the site of this former railroad power station. The engine management also pulled the building empty many years ago. Bahnbetriebswerk L. Hafen Leipzig-Lindenau

  • Military Lost Places | Brandenburg | Reise-Rainer

    Military lost places in the state of Brandenburg ​On this page I present you more than 30 abandoned places from the legacies of the Imperial Army, the Reichswehr, the Wehrmacht, the National People's Army (NVA), the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) and the Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany (GSSD) in State of Brandenburg. Due to its proximity to Berlin, Brandenburg was a preferred location for the settlement of all possible military branches and research institutions. I describe the Kummersdorf Army Research Center, the forbidden city of Wünsdorf and the Jüterbog military training area in great detail. These gigantic locations include a multitude of objects in different units that take several days to explore. You can find over 20 other lost places such as hospitals, factories and transport facilities in Brandenburg here . Zuletzt besuchte Orte: Bunkerland - Führungsbunker Oberbefehlshaber GSSD NVA Kino Fliegerhorst Finowfurt Löffelbergbunker Kommandantur der GSSD NVA-Bunker Harnekop Ausweichstelle des Reichsverkehrsministeriums Holzhausbunker Versuchsbunker der Organisation Todt Flugzeugführerschule F. Dönitzbunker Army test institution Kummersdorf After this War 1870/1871 was created from 1874, in a state forest near Kummersdorf, a modern artillery firing range ... Learn more Kasernen - Reichsheer, Wehrmacht, GSSD und NVA Die Hälfte der in der DDR genutzen militärischen Flächen war in Brandenburg, 120.000 ha. Die Kasernen aus jener Zeit ... Mehr erfahren Many Soviet bunkers in Brandenburg Underground command centers have been set up in secret on the edge of the military training areas ... Learn more Lazarette in Brandenburg Eine Vielzahl von Sanatorien und Krankenhäusernn wurde nach dem Krieg von der GSSD beschlagnahmt ... Mehr erfahren Firing range Heidehof The story of the shooting range began around 1900 as a pioneer unit from Berlin to ... Learn more Munitionsanstalten, Depots und Rüstung Trotz der Sprengungen nach dem Krieg gibt es in Brandenburg noch einige ehemalige Munas und Fabriken zu entdecken ... Mehr erfahren

  • Corazon de Jesus | verlassener Flugplatz Panama | Lost Place Panama

    Corazon de Jesus - abandoned submarine hunter airfield off Panama At the ITB I had a conversation with a sailor who offers tours on the San Blas Archipelago in southern Panama. But more on that in the article on the islands . After a week's hotel vacation near Panama City, I (together with my wife and two married couples who are friends) booked a domestic flight to Corazon de Jesuns with Panama Air. The shock came when our flight was the last to be called at the small airport, we were only six people in the hall. The machine was very small. It was a twin-engine twin otter. More like a VW bus. We stowed the luggage in the back seat. First of all, the entire ceiling paneling fell down. The two pilots attached them again. We sat down and started. I looked over the pilot's shoulder. Navigation is only possible with a TomTom-like device. Great, how are we supposed to get there. The flight went over Panama City and the thickly overgrown rainforest until the first islands appeared half an hour before us. They looked as beautiful as the Maldives! Then the descent began. Just where was the airfield? The mainland was far to our right and only jungle as far as Colombia. Suddenly my wife called, look at an aircraft carrier. The gag was good. It was a small island with a very short runway. We touched down and the pilot immediately made an emergency stop, without seatbelts we would have flown through the window. We came to a halt just before the end of the runway and the sea. There was nothing on the island. We unpacked the suitcases with the pilots. Then you went behind an empty building and relieved yourself. A couple of natives got into the machine and it was gone. I thought it would hopefully be picked up by our sailor, who should show us the islands for a week. Otherwise we would never have got away from here. Then a small rubber dinghy appeared in the distance. The boat driver waved, it was Karl Heinz, known as Carlos. Carlos then told us that the airfield was laid out by the Americans during World War II. Submarine hunters were stationed here. They were supposed to protect the entrance to the Panama Canal from German submarines. Nothing has changed on the island since then.

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